Domain Connection

To connect a domain to the service, you need to complete 3 steps.

1. Register a domain

A domain is an address on the internet. It can be registered in any zone (for example, .ru, .com, or even .wedding specifically for weddings). Domains are registered through specialized services (domain name registrars) such as REG.RU. The domain will be registered in your name and will exclusively belong to you. The registration cost depends on the zone and the name.

A domain is registered for at least one year. After one year, you can choose to renew it or not. You can use the domain with other services at any time. To connect a domain, a Premium+ account is required.

2. Perform necessary settings

After registering the domain, you need to configure settings on the registrar's side — where the domain was registered. Select the domain, open the “DNS Management” (or something similar), and add one entry.
Record type: A
Record name: @
Record value:
Time to live: as suggested.

This entry means that the domain will point to’s server with the IP address This will link the domain to In some cases, the domain registrar might already have an A record with the name @ that points to their own server. If so, you can either modify the entry by changing the IP address or delete it and add a new one.

The domain should have one A record with the name @ and the value

Additionally, sometimes the registrar offers to connect a website (hosting) to the domain during this process. You should decline this offer. There is no need to subscribe to or pay for any additional services from the registrar.

If you want to display the wedding invitation on a separate subdomain, you can specify the name of the subdomain instead of @, and in the first step on, add the subdomain along with the domain.

Once the entry is added with the registrar, you need to mark that the entry has been added in the “Wedding Website” section. As soon as the domain is available, it will be connected to your account immediately.

3. Wait for the connection

The entire connection process happens automatically, but it takes time for the domain to become accessible from any location worldwide. Usually, this takes 6-7 hours, although in rare cases it can take up to 24 hours. If the invitation does not appear after 24 hours, it means something is configured incorrectly.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to pay for hosting to the registrar?

No. There are no additional services you need to pay for — just the domain registration.

What happens to the domain after one year?

You'll be able to decide how to use your wedding address on the internet. For instance, you could connect it to another service or use it for organizing your first anniversary.

What should I do if the website does not open?

Ensure the DNS settings include the A record with the appropriate name and value. If the website still does not open after 24 hours, contact technical support. If an SSL certificate creation error occurs, it means there are multiple A records with the name @ in the domain zone, or hosting is connected to the domain by the registrar. You need to delete all unnecessary entries and disconnect the hosting from the domain.

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