Event Guests

The "Guests" section displays all the guests invited to the event.

In this section, you can view and modify the attendance confirmation status. Confirmation can have three states:

  • Not confirmed
  • Attendance confirmed
  • Invitation declined

Thus, in any single invitation, one guest may accept while another may decline. The color coding of the section indicates whether the guests are from the groom's side or the bride's side.

Confirming Attendance

If digital invitations have been sent out, the responses will be reflected immediately on the participant page once the guests confirm or decline the invitation.

If the guests confirmed their attendance by other means, such as verbally or via written correspondence, you can manually update the status. Simply click on the "Edit Attendance" button next to the relevant guests, and then specify the attendance status for each guest on this invitation.

You can also do this if a guest initially confirmed their attendance through the interactive invitation, but later, for example, declined by sending a personal message.

Below, the confirmation statistics are displayed on the participant page.

If a guest declined the invitation to the banquet, they cannot be included in the seating plan, and a banquet card will not be created for them. They will also be excluded from the drink quantity calculations.

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