«Shores of love»

The wedding template design is created in watercolor technique. Shades of blue and water reflect tranquility and depth of feelings, creating a sense of serenity and infinity. This composition serves as a reminder of the importance of love and fidelity in life, like an endless ocean that never ends. The invitation is perfect for those who appreciate nature and dream of a wedding ceremony by the water, symbolizing the beginning of a new, pure, and bright journey for the newlyweds, filled with tenderness and happiness.

Digital invitation

This is a great alternative or addition to traditional printed invitations.
The digital invitation looks like a regular story.

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Printed wedding invitation

If you're a fan of tradition, a printed invitation is your choice.
The app makes it easy to create a beautiful printed invitation.

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Everything for the wedding banquet

Everything you need to organize a banquet in the unified style of your wedding!

Photo report

Share your wedding impressions with guests by providing access to wedding photos.

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